VIDEO: Toilet Cleaner – Jobs on the road
I never thought I’d be cleaning toilets at my age with my skill set. I also never thought that I would ever write, record and then shoot a music video for a rap song. Somehow my new profession sparked some deep seated desire to bust out some rhymes and show my street cred. Maybe it’s because creative expression makes life more bearable. Maybe I’ve always needed to release that inner Beastie Boy. Maybe, just maybe, I wanted to make as many people laugh as possible at my expense.
Anyone who has been on the road traveling knows that there is a delicate balance between cash flow, continued travel and that ever impending return flight home. You do what you have to to survive and keep that bank account in the black. That means taking any job that is offered to you — ANY job. Of course, we all would love to be the cool guy serving drinks behind the bar at the local hotspot, or making cappuccinos in the trendiest café, but the reality is that when you need money to keep going you have to take it anywhere you can get it. So when I was offered a housekeeping job at a hotel, with a secondary position as a waiter in the restaurant, my answer was “Yes, when do I start?” And so should yours.
O my god Paul that is sooo awesome! This is the next You Tube sensation! Miss you tons!
You are a freaking lunatic. So funny. xoxo
Nice, bro
I love it!!
So funny. It’s got viral written all over it.
Peter Underwood
Good one.
Don’t forget that the overtime rate is time and a turd.
Paul i knew u r great but that’s OUTSTANDING:)
Funny as ,,, brillint work mate
Pam B
wow, ct loves you. it is so great that video!
Katy Soljak
This rox! Yes it’s 6 months since the wedding and you guys 6 months on the road. Keep your spirits up no matter what shit is goin down, I say. Love your work bro! Katy
hahahaha anywhere but Take-a-poo, love it! I will look at this forever as a keepsake of my time living at the Godley!