New family

Aquiring Your Immigrant Family On The Road

November 5th, 2010 in Articles by cee 0

On the road, I expected to meet lots of people and share stories. What I didn’t expect was to aquire my own little family of nomadic gypsies. New Zealand is a small enough place that you’re likely to run into the same people many times along your journey. And working in a place for a […]


The Working Abroad Experience in New Zealand

November 5th, 2010 in Articles by cee 0

At the age of 29, after much self evaluation and dissatisfaction as to what I’d done with my life thus far, I decided to take a risk. That risk was to quit my job during struggling economic times and leave everything behind to go traveling. As long as I could remember, I’d always wanted to […]


The wonderful world of WWOOFing

The wonderful world of WWOOFing

November 5th, 2010 in Articles by cee 0

A great option for saving cash, whilst gaining a TRUE Kiwi Experience is to try WWOOFing. WWOOF stands for: Willing Workers On Organic Farms. It’s a network of hosts willing to provide food and accomodation to volunteers in exchange for help in farming, landscape, gardening or hospitality work. To join as a worker, you need […]


Cape Reinga


November 5th, 2010 in Articles by cee 0

Northland’s landscape can be described as seemingly endless rolling green hills, flanked by stunning beaches and dotted with grazing livestock. You can drive for hours through land reminiscent of Montana’s cattle country and suddenly stumble onto some dramatic coastline with turquoise waters and great expanses of beach littered with surfers. It’s a land worth visiting […]


VIDEO: Just Jump! The work abroad NZ experience!

September 17th, 2010 in Articles by Paul 1

I cut this video as a submission for a video contest about the work abroad experience.  The challenge?  How to cram in 7 months of footage and experiences into 3 minutes!  Lots of good stuff had to be left out, but I think that the essence of our travels, our mentalities and our appreciation for […]


VIDEO: Toilet Cleaner – Jobs on the road

August 12th, 2010 in Articles by Paul 11

I never thought I’d be cleaning toilets at my age with my skill set.  I also never thought that I would ever write, record and then shoot a music video for a rap song.  Somehow my new profession sparked some deep seated desire to bust out some rhymes and show my street cred.  Maybe it’s […]


A snack with new friends

Becoming the immigrant work force

May 6th, 2010 in Articles by Paul 1

When I first learned about harvesting jobs in New Zealand it seemed like an ideal, perhaps even romantic, way to earn money.  I envisioned long days in the sun picking plump fruit while birds sang the perfect soundtrack.  There are days when this happens.  I’ve picked grapes surrounded by majestic cliffs or seaside vistas.  But […]


Life in a bag

Packing For An Extended Trip Abroad

February 3rd, 2010 in Featured by cee 2

How does one pack for such an extended trip abroad where you may or may not have a permanent home-base during your stay? First, there’s the luggage… You have several choices: Standard suitcase – heavy, bulky and hard to carry around, even with wheels.  (I traveled in Ireland, staying at various hostels on a tour […]


Helpful stuff

The Working Holiday: Not Just for 20 Year Olds

February 3rd, 2010 in Featured by cee 0

Many of you are wondering how we’re pulling off this little adventure of ours… Did we win the lottery? … Haha! NO! We’re not THAT lucky! Did we have high paying jobs with salaries in the 6-digits? … NOPE! Did we save every last penny we’ve earned for the last 8 years? … It’d be […]
