VIDEO: New Zealand Hyperlapse – A road trip at warp speed

December 1st, 2013 in Articles by Paul 0

This video was part of my experimental works for my masters in visual arts. Inspired by the innovative genius of Teehan+Lax Labs ( and their Google Street View Hyperlapse (, I decided to take a warp speed road trip around New Zealand. In some ways this is a reflection of spending my first year traveling […]


VIDEO: Toilet Cleaner – Jobs on the road

August 12th, 2010 in Articles by Paul 11

I never thought I’d be cleaning toilets at my age with my skill set.  I also never thought that I would ever write, record and then shoot a music video for a rap song.  Somehow my new profession sparked some deep seated desire to bust out some rhymes and show my street cred.  Maybe it’s […]
